Skene - together to recovery association
Skene association was founded in 2019 to develop and provide social rehabilitation for people with a criminal background at different stages of change, support their close ones and to run their affairs on a society level. Skene's operations are based on a collaboration of professionalism and experience.
Currently, the focus is on creating networking and making the association known. Skene operates mostly on a voluntary basis. Skene provides support to customers, to their close ones and experts working with people with criminal backgrounds.
Skene ry's goal is to develop an operating model that can influence individuals' criminal behavior and motivation for change, as well as breaking the cycle of crime. Influencing the individual level is reflected in public safety and the cost to society. The model will provide more effective social rehabilitation during sentencing. In addition to rehabilitative activities, information is collected on the factors that can be used to prevent or break criminal cycles at an earlier stage. The information will be used in collaboration with cooperation parties to develop activities, especially for juvenile offenders. The model enables the expansion of operations nationwide.

The name Skene comes from Helsinki slang, where "skene" means community or fellowship
Skene’s purpose is at the local, regional, national and international levels:
- Promotes the desistance of young people and young adults from crime.
- To support the well-being, functional capacity and motivation for change of individuals in the process of rehabilitative social work, empowering working methods and detachment from crime through community means.
- To support the strengthening of the crime-free identity of the offender and the building of good social relations.
- Promotes the empowerment and inclusion of those who break free from crime, their inclusion and their integration into society.
- Reduces the social harm caused by criminal lifestyle.
- Contributes to reducing the risks of radicalization and extremism.
- By impacting on society level promote social sustainability, reducing welfare inequalities and contributing to the reduction of disadvantages that increase social exclusion and to the disruption of the process of intergenerational exclusion.
- Contribute to the security of society by contributing to breaking the cycle of crime and reducing recidivism among young people and young adults.
Skene's operations are guided by researched information and the project takes into account the most relevant laws, regulations and other obligations. The main framework for Skene's activities is social rehabilitation. Work in the scene is guided by a systemic approach and recovery orientation. Other methods used include a motivational discussion that reinforces change motivation, various cognitive-behavioral methods, and the resource-oriented rehabilitation method GLM - Good Lives Model.